Launch of the MEMF School Competition 23/24

New Twist in MEMF School Competition: Extra Prize for Innovative Teachers  

In this year’s My Environment My Future (MEMF) School competition is not just the students who can be the winners, but also about celebrating the teachers who continuously strive to provide the best educational experiences. This new twist provides a platform for educators to shine and be appreciated for their remarkable efforts.


For this year’s MEMF Competition, the organizers have announced an additional £100 prize for the teacher who enhances the experience for their students in the most innovative way.


Each year, the MEMF team is astounded by the innovative ways teachers conduct the competition. As a result, they have decided to recognise and reward these creative efforts. Be it integrating the competition into various subject areas, supplementing it with additional resources, running it as an independent project, presenting entries to the class or the entire school, or even collaborating with local industries, the team wants to hear about it.


Teachers are encouraged to submit an overview of up to 500 words by May 10th, detailing how they have enhanced or tailored the competition, the benefits or impact of the competition on their students, and the overall benefits for their students participating in the MEMF school competition. Submissions may also include quotes from career leads, head teachers about the competition, and photos of students participating.


The winning teacher or school will receive a £100 Amazon voucher, a reward for their dedication to providing and enriching the experience for their students. Winners will be announced in the week following  the submission deadline.



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